The 2016 Edition of the Montreal Comiccon featured many highlights for us. We got to meet a lot talented artists and comic book fans, we got to see Carlton from “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air“, we once again saw William Shatner and get to meet DMC of Run DMC (who happens to have a pretty cool comic book by the way…). We also got the chance to host a panel on Digital Illustration Tools. I love going to the Comiccon because it always leaves me feeling inspired to draw and create art. Below are some of my personal favorite highlights of the 2016 Montreal Comiccon

The crowds were once again crazy long, even though it was a rainy day.

This guy had a pretty bad-ass Batman costumer from Batman vs. Superman. The eyes light up and everything.

Once again, Deadpool was one of the highlights of the 2016 Montreal Comiccon. We must have counted at least 10 different deadpool costumes. We also spotted a couple of female deadpools as well

Of course there are always several Ironman costumes at the comiccon but this the first time that I saw the Mark 39 costume at a comiccon. For those who are not aware, this is Ironman’s Sub-Orbital Suit designed for off-earth missions.

We also got a chance to meet Jimmy Suzan at the comiccon. He is a really cool and down-to-earth artist who happens to do a pretty cool comic called Tricomb Dynasty. He is also the lucky artist who got to drawe the 2016 Comiccon poster.

The legendary Neal Adams was also present to sign some of his most famous artworks

This is the room where our panel for the 2016 Montreal Comiccon was hosted.

Our Panel had a sign like the one in this picture.

Here we are, looking all serious during the panel. It was a relaxed panel, with a lot of crowd participation

Here is a picture of the room where the panel was hosted along with the audience. Unfortunately, we did not take a picture of our audience so this is a picture from a later panel so show the size of the room.

Here is a picture of the crew after the panel was done.