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Since Dave and I have not made any significant updates in quite some time, we decided to release the full script for chapter one of Star Wars X. It was always agreed that we would release the script after a full year. So here it is. Note that there are spoilers, so if you prefer to wait until the artwork is available, don’t read any further…
A long time ago
In a galaxy far, far away…
Two thousand years before
The rise of the Galactic Empire,
Jedi Master Phanius leaves the Jedi Council
And takes the name Darth Ruin.
He unites several Sith cults,
Organizing the Dark Jedi
Into a new order of Dark Lords of the Sith.
He is eventually betrayed and destroyed.
In the absence of a leader,
The Sith fight both the Jedi and amongst themselves.
This period lasts for one thousand years
And is known as the New Sith Wars.
Darth Morbis leads a Sith cult
Inspired by the Sith Warlord Adas.
Supported by his apprentice Nai’Kage,
Morbis gathers power in an attempt
To return the Dark Jedi to the glory
Of the ancient Sith.
Click on the link below to read the full script
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[youtube width="600" height="400"][/youtube]
This cinematic trailer is epic!!! Easily the best Star Wars cinematic trailer that I have ever seen!
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[youtube width="600" height="400"][/youtube]
This is an amazing cinematic trailer for Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. I can’t wait for this one . It looks awesome. But I still don’t see how this would connect with the first Force Unleashed video game… In the actual ending of the first game, StarKiller dies, and on the alternate ending, Darth Vader dies. I can’t wait to see how they bring both of them back for this sequel
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I recently came across this amazing artwork from ornicar at It features an image of Darth Maul attacking a Rancor. It is truly beautiful. Since I will be having a Rancor fight soon in SWX (oops, spoiler alert) , I figure that I would share one of my inspirations.
More Pics after the jump…
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I was recently asked about where to find Star Wars X banner images. Unfortunately, I don’t really have many banner images. In fact, I only have one. So for anybody else who might be looking for it, here is the only Star Wars X banner image that I have…

Thanks for all your support, everyone.
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I’ve found some of our old artwork that was done a few years ago when we were first working out the ideas for Star Wars X. This artwork was done to test our ideas for a star wars webcomic. LOL! The artwork was not that great… I drew the artwork quickly and Dave colored it. You can see a very old version of Darth Morbis and Nai’Kage and We’ve gotten much better since then…

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