The Punisher Fan Comic by Tarik TarikJuly 6, 20192.5K0 views The first thing that I have to say is all the legal stuff: I am in no way affiliated with Marvel comics. I do not claim to own any of their characters nor am I... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments2.5K Views
Colored X-Men Artwork TarikDecember 11, 20182.4K0 views A couple of days ago, I showed you guys my inked x-men artwork. Well, I took the time to color it and here is the finished product. Pretty proud of how it came... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments2.4K Views
Inked X-men artwork TarikDecember 8, 20183.0K0 views I was working on this sketch to practice my inking. I wanted to have an image that would have a lot of thick black lines. I think it came out well. ArtworksInked Artworks0 Comments3.0K Views
Colored Vilan Artwork TarikDecember 2, 20181.8K0 views I was in the mood of playing around with colors and shading. So I came up with this artwork of a badass vilain showing off his powers of lightning. It came out ... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments1.8K Views
Playing with Colors TarikDecember 2, 20181.6K0 views So I decided to play with colors by drawing a few faces, inking them and then adding some color to the drawing. Here is the final results. Let me know what you... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments1.6K Views
Superman – inked and colored TarikNovember 23, 20181.7K0 views A quick drawing of superman that i inked and colored. I really like how the colors came together. I don't draw DC characters very often so this was really fun.... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments1.7K Views
Spy Character Concept Artwork TarikAugust 20, 20172.5K0 views This year, we've agreed to post more content online. So, I've been doing some new artworks for online consumption. Here is some concept artwork for a spy char... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments2.5K Views
Sniper Poster Artwork From 1996 ConquistadorAugust 16, 20171.6K0 views Going through some of my older artworks and came across this glossy poster that I did of my trademark character, Sniper from U-Force. This was done way back in ... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments1.6K Views
Punisher vs Hulk Colored TarikAugust 11, 20172.8K0 views another quick drawing.....I'm getting faster at coloring, using a technique I learned from one of Todd McFarlane's video. Let me know what you guys think. ... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments2.8K Views
Hulk Face Closeup TarikJuly 24, 20172.4K0 views just sketching at Mifty' inspired from playing video games and talking comics yesterday.....drew this picture of the Incredible Hulk today.... ... ArtworksColored ArworksInked Artworks0 Comments2.4K Views