The new Star Trek movie was good, but it was missing lightsabers and Jedis

From on Monday - May 18th, 2009
Filed under: General Talk

Jedi Spock from Star Trek with Lightsaber
This past weekend, I had a chance to see the new Star Trek movie directed by JJ Abrams that everybody is talking about. Now before we continue, let’s get one thing clear: I am a die-hard Star Wars fan who has always felt that you can only like one of the two franchises. Choosing Star Wars or Star Trek was like choosing Yin vs. Yang, Black vs. White or Alien vs. Predator. There was a clear choice with no grey area!! One franchise sucked ( Star Trek) and one franchise was awesome (Star Wars). Because of this firm belief, I have never watched an entire Star Trek episode or movie because it was just too damn boring. (And yes Trekkies, this includes The Wrath of Khan)

So I was really surprised when my friends, also loyal Star Wars fans managed to convince me to see the new Star Trek movie. I was even more surprised that I actually enjoyed the new Star Trek movie. It had everything that I expect from a Star Wars movie: loads of action, fantastic special effects and a pretty good story. I really really liked the movie. Even the bad guy Neo kind of looked like a really cool Sith Lord. All that was missing was lightsabers and Jedis!!!!

It was everything that I hoped the last 3 Star Wars movies could have been. Come on, let’s face it. Although nobody likes to admit it, the last few Star Wars movies really were not that good.
1. Episode 1 sucked because they killed the two coolest characters: Qui Gon Jin and Darth Maul.
2. Episode 2 sucked because the forbidden love story just sucked. And for some reason that I can’t explain, I really really hated Anakin.
3. Episode 3 was good but I expected to see more Darth Vader!
4. Clone Wars was just terrible and I still want my money back from watching that movie!

Now, back to the Star Trek movie. So, after the movie, my friends and I discussed the movie and we all came to the same conclusion: The two franchises have switched roles! Star Trek is now the fun, young, dynamic and exciting franchise while Star Wars has become the dull and boring crap that Star Trek used to be. The only exception is The Clone Wars TV show. It’s cool but the Clone Wars movie sucked big time. As mentioned above, I’m still waiting for my money back from that piece of crap, Lucas! Even the overhyped Force Unleashed video game turned out to be pile of doggie doo doo….

Now don’t get me wrong, I am still a die-hard Star Wars fan. And, even though the new Star Trek movie is pretty good, it’s just a good movie in a sucky franchise. The Star Trek franchise got lucky with the latest film. But, as good as the latest Star Trek movie was, it was still missing the two things that makes Star Wars Better: lightsabers and Jedis….

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