Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 vs Star Wars X

From on Wednesday - December 16th, 2009
Filed under: General Talk, Star Wars X Artwork

I just saw the latest artwrok for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2. Once again, the guys at LuscasArts have created some top-notch artwork. Still, I couldn’t help but notice the similarity between their artwork and my artwork…
Check out the two pics below and tell me if they’re similar or not…
star wars x sith warrior with twin lightsabers

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Wowzers. both artworks are amazing. but i dont think that it’s a fair comp. the LucasArts image is a 3D rendereing. yours is a 2D image. nice job tho.

Yeah. You are right about the whole 2d vs 3d thing. But the really cool thing is that I actually know the wife of one of the guys that worked on the 3D model for the Force Unleashed 2. Talk about 2 degrees of separation..

I’m pretty excited about TFU2, but honestly your picture is more interesting. It’s not that I don’t appreciate awesome 3D renderings and all, but the art style and colors for this comic have a much cooler feel. I’d rather see the game art and packaging look like this artwork than covered with 3D models.

hehehe. I guess that all those years of studying the art of Jim Lee paid off…

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