Sith Warrior: Darth Umb’r

Darth Umb'r from Star Wars X




Darth Umb’r is a member of The Morgukai, a secret society of the Nikto people of Kintan. His sect, The Morgukai are renowned for their intense hatred of the Jedi as well as their strict code of honor. Although Umb’r has a profound hated for the Jedi Order, he admires their mastery of the lightsaber. Convinced that no Nikto weapon could rival a lightsaber, he sought a Sith Master who could teach him the ways of the lightsaber. Darth Morbis was so impressed with Umb’r’s passion for the lightsaber that he took him in as an apprentice.

Now that he has mastered the lightsaber, Darth Umb’r considers himself to be the best Jedi killer at Darth Morbis‘ disposal. Darth Umb’r regards lightsaber fights as a sacred art that should always end with the death of one’s adversary.


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